Auto Uploader

For radio stations that want to turn radio shows into podcasts, a popular method is to record them while they go on the air, possibly excluding those parts that are not functional for listening on demand.

For the content that is prepared in advance, however, the audio files are already available in the production and playout system. As an alternative to recording during live broadcast, therefore, it is possible to intercept these files once recorded and automatically upload them to the Open Radio server, where M-Caster can automatically complete them with the sound package according to the desired format.

This is why Auto Uploader was designed, a fully configurable uploader that monitors the playout server folders, fetches files based on configurable filters and sends them via FTP to M-Caster.

Auto Uploader is also useful for non-radio publishers who manage information services, for example newsrooms that publish traffic bulletins with frequent updates, given the possibility of allocating locally produced audio files in different FTP folders, without having to use a traditional, and more complex, FTP client.

Application case

Radio stations

Automatic upload via FTP of audio files saved by production and playout software, for distribution on servers and platforms.


Automatic FTP upload of episode audio files for distribution on servers and platforms.

How does Auto Uploader work?

Auto Uploader is a software that is installed on a computer where the radio programs are broadcast. Whenever Auto Uploader intercepts a new audio file of the type indicated in its configuration, it uploads it via FTP to the intended destination.

Auto Uploader is fully configurable with a simple text file: filters are set on the folders and names of the files to be uploaded, times, etc. Thanks to Auto Uploader, Open Radio M-Caster will publish as a podcast what is produced by an editorial team with third-party systems, without any additional work.




No manual actions are required

Audio files load are automatically uploaded, no need to select them manyally.


Tailored to your station

Depending on the type of software you use, we adapt the link.


A specialist helps you

Support of a developer for installation and configuration.


You will talk to radio people

No chat bots: you will appreciate human support to solve problems.

Automate your program recordings!

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